insurance for convicted

How to get cheaper car insurance, despite convictions

Looking for a great, cheap insurance deal to insure your car, or van, but convictions or accidents holdingyou back? Why get a quote from an insurance provider when there is a whole panel of them to choose from?

Buying insurance for convicted drivers is not normally a great problem but you need to know where to look. There is no point in searching through a normal car insurance price comparison site because they all make certain assumptions when working out their premiums, and one of them, almost invariably, is that the applicant has had no driving offence convictions or pending hearings within the last five years.

There are however a number of companies which specialise in finding reasonable quotations for motorists with convictions.

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Why get quotes via this website?

Simple. You have a choice of ringing Policy Link who specialise in finding the right insurance policy at the right price for drivers with convictions: or you can provide details online and a whole panel of insurance providers will be invited to send you quotes, and you may receive multiple offers to compare. All the companies are, of course, authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) for your protection. You can check their bona fides on the FCA register.

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Where can I get the cheapest policies?

Getting insurance at Any price

That is not to say that every motorist will receive an offer of cover, or that quotations will be at similar prices to those enjoyed by motorists who have, to be realistic, never been caught speeding or have had the odd glass of wine over the limit.

Some motorists have a record which is so bad that car insurers will not offer them a car insurance policy at any price, but even in these extreme cases all is not necessarily completely lost. A way of getting back into the driving seat which has worked for many thousands of previously disqualified drivers has been to ride a motorcycle for some time; after a period without accidents or further convictions insurers are more likely to take a less critical view of these applicants. A rather drastic measure? Well it usually works and many drivers feel it's better to be on two or three wheels than on foot or public transport, possibly for many years.

Alternatively some insurers may offer policies to those with serious or repeated offences but only for much smaller cars; again this may be considered a reasonable and temporary compromise by many motorists.

Divulging information to the insurers

It is vital to avoid the temptation, when faced with these problems, of simply failing to let insurance companies know about these previous convictions.

It is true to say that a lot of insurance companies will take the money for a policy, and only make their own checks later, or even after their clients have had an accident and put in a claim. Any undeclared offences that came to light would automatically invalidate the insurance cover and a refusal to pay out can follow, leaving the motorist in a very difficult situation indeed.

Insurers know more than we think

It should be borne in mind that not only do insurance companies have access to public records but they also share information amongst themselves, and they know far more about us than most people realise. Penalties for driving without insurance are of course very heavy and can include imprisonment; the tools available to the police for catching uninsured drivers are now very efficient indeed and include computerised records of the insurance policies of every driver in the UK. So, to compare genuine quotations from specialist convicted driver insurers, and possibly save yourself a great deal of time and/or money, please click on the link now.